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Jeden z nejbližších spolupracovníků Miloše Zemana, prezidentův kancléř Vratislav Mynář lobboval za zájmy soukromé firmy v miliardové zakázce v Kyrgyzstánu. Mynář odeslal do kanceláře kyrgyzského prezidenta dopis, v němž výslovně podporuje českou firmu Liglass Trading CZ. Neznámé dvou set tisícové “eseročko” před týdnem získalo obří zakázku na výstavbu čtyř vodních elektráren v Kyrgyzstánu. Projděte si Mynářův dopis.
Dopis je adresovaný Saparovi Isakovi Dzhumakadyrovichovi z kanceláře kyrgyzského prezidenta. Mynář jej odeslal na hlavičkovém papíře prezidentské kanceláře s datem 8. září 2016.
Zde je plné znění dopisu, faksimile v textu:
Your Excellency,
as the head office of the president are writing to you in regard to the development not only of mutual economic cooperation. We are pleased that even geographically distant countries can jointly find successful projects, implement them and support each other in various fields of business and culture.
I would like to build on the correspondence from the Deputy Minister of Industry of the Czech Republic and expressed support for cooperation with Czech company Liglass Trading CZ, which has successfully finalized the project of construction of solar and hydroelectric power plants along with your agency Investment Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. Czech firm is well established not only to our Czech but also in the European market and we hope that you will be strong and long term partner.
I will be pleased if in future our Party will gradually seek similiar opportunities and successfully strengthen mutual relations. I offer this support in negotiating your investors here in the Czech Republic and look forward to further cooperation.
Yours sincerely from Prague,
Vratislav Mynář